6-week Group Coaching Experience with Dane Muller

This is for you if:

  • You are a man who is done with being in the overwhelm of your life and feeling no self worth
  • You are ready to move on from self doubt and many insecurities
  • You want to be in control of your own emotions and release yourself of all limiting beliefs
  • You know its time to leave your past behind you and step back into your Divine masculine
  • You know its time to leave your old programming behind you to create a new outlook on your own
  • You want to move towards your goals with upmost confidence
  • You are 110% ready to unlock the next level of you and to be absolutely unstoppable
  • A rediscovery of self
  • A love and connection to self like you’ve always wanted.


What you get:

  • 8 weeks to eliminate the barriers of all your limiting beliefs, traumas and insecurities and leave them all behind and unleash the new bold, strong, masculine YOU.
  • Eliminate all the decisions, hurts and memories that have kept you stuck and looping
  • Learn how to increase energy, release limiting beliefs and decision looping and create clarity on your goals and who you are
  • Weekly coaching calls with Dane Muller
  • A private group messaging service for constant contact with your mentor
  • Daily tasks set by your mentor
  • Daily check-ins
  • Journaling
  • A new support network of men you’ll connect with like never before


Weekly zoom calls at 8pm AEST


Voxer Schedules are

Mondays-Thursdays 10:00AM-11:30AM; 3:30PM-5:00PM

Terms & Conditions

When you click I agree you are accepting and entering into a contract with Dane Muller Coaching and Mentoring

You can read the full T&C's here:


What People Are Saying:

How do I feel about myself now? If you'd asked me that six weeks ago, I probably would have said, "Shit." Now I feel like I can tackle everything and I can maintain that positivity as well, and that strength. I look at things in a completely different light and perspective now for what I was looking at it in, feel, I guess, in the light of terms. I feel like a million bucks at the moment with having all this newfound love for myself and knowledge and everything


I would highly recommend doing this. I can't say enough about it. It's been awesome. The self-love that I have for myself that I didn't have six weeks ago is, I don't know, I just can't wait to show my family and stuff like that, especially after what we did tonight with the self-doubt and stuff like that earlier tonight that's really opened my eyes and like letting go of the self-doubt and stuff like that. I feel like that has been holding me back for a very long time.

Brooke Jordan

I'm in a really good space, and people seeing it, it's good to be noticed for the right things, and it's good to have that impression, friends, family to be able to lean on. But more importantly, your children. So my boys look at me, not they've looked at me badly as such, but they look at you in different light. People look at you in different light; they look at you as more of a leader and a helper rather than someone they don't think of when they're in a crisis, when they're celebrating something they are succeeding in. Who they look to when they need support. So that has made a huge amount to me so um, yeah. I'm fucking pumped I did it. Proud of being a part of it, pretty proud of myself and what I'm working towards continually every day.


So much hidden strength that I didn't know I had—other people could see it, but I never could. So much holding myself back my entire life that I'm no longer gonna be doing. There's no limit on what I should learn about myself through this


12 Weekly Payment of $250 AUD

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